First of all thanks for visiting my website.I made this website for all bettas lovers around the world. Most
of the pictures, I have on here is what I have in stock. I started breeding bettas about 7 years ago for fighting purposes.
Soon it became a hobby for myself.
When I was young, I would catch them from a lake or rice field and neighborhood pond, beside my home
and school in Cambodia. After I caught these bettas, I would use them to challenged with my friend's bettas. Sometimes, I
won the battle and I was thrill about my victory. Other times I would lose the fight. Now I have lost alot of good experiences,
since that time. Every once in awhile, I would contemplate about those good old days. About 5 years ago, I encountered many
pet stores that sold bettas. The pet stores had many magnificent bettas, such as halfmoon bettas, black double tails. In most
case I was surprised about the selection of bettas that they had in the pet store. It made all the good memories come back
into play. One main reason why I started to collect bettas again was because it was what was missing in my life.
I made this website to show my quality bettas. Here are some of my favorite fighting bettas. They are categorize
as the wild bettas. Some of them are the plakats, imbellis, smaragdina, coccina, livida. I am now breeding
red plakats, which are the most popular betta in Cambodia and Thailand. I am interested in breeding different kinds of
bettas such as halfmoon and crown tails. You soon will see these bettas in my gallary. I want to share my experiences
and my fighting bettas with people who have the same interest. If you have any suggestion just email me. Please enjoy my website
thank you and have a nice day.